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Appropriation vs. Celebration

On cultural appropriation vs. celebration, I would like to say that we have said a lot recently on the subject of appropriation but not...


There’s a wobble in his voice, “I don’t know, I just wanted to do more stuff.” My son and daughter are currently camping in California...

So What?

I’m in a “So What?” stage of life right now. Do you know this one? It’s that niggling feeling in the back of your mind that tells you to...

Some Kind of Superhero

Tonight, we’re sitting here in bed relaxing. Friday evening cuddles, with me already under the covers and the two of them like puppies...

Nine Year Old Daughter, I Love You

Hey there, my newly nine year old daughter.  I see you.  You’re getting so tall, so mature, so very, very silly.  I love you! You sit at...


Eleven has always been my favorite number, the perfect symmetry of it. I couldn't help thinking of that this morning when I woke up and...


That feeling, anxious sweaty palms, as you look across a room for a familiar face. That moment of feeling lost before you find someone. ...

Life Goes On…

I will confess, however, that in the back of my mind I had this idea that once school started life as we knew it would end.  Sure, life...

Creativity Can Save the World

In our house we have ipads, iphones, laptops, the gamut of devices for music and game playing and move watching.  sometimes this causes...

First Week of School, Hurrah

Today ended the first week of school for my second and fourth graders.  Many of you are experiencing the same thing right now.  That...

The Real Lost Boys

While watching his favorite cartoons the other morning a public announcement came on, one of the girl empowerment ones.  It said that...

It Is About Winning and Losing

We did not give a medal to everyone for participation.  That was scary.  We did say that everyone’s work was great and unique but there...

An Indescribable Quality

My son’s gifts are quantifiable.  I can tick them off on my fingers.  I often speak of them to others, as in, today my son mastered this...

Life Changes (You)

I think at any given time, we are surrounded by people, whether they be close friends, acquaintances, family members, or even ourselves,...

Little Friends – Part 2 (Consequences)

Tonight my sweet boy, the child that left my safe and warm womb six years ago, is going to bed without dinner for the first time in his...

Butting In and Cookie Exchanges

Right now, my husband is on his way to a cookie exchange.  He took our four year old daughter with him.  As I am not feeling well and our...

Adjustments At Bedtime

After three years of sleeping in the same room, tonight my children will sleep apart for the first time.  For a while now they’ve each...

Santa, Baby Jesus and Rolling Eyes

From the back seat, “Is Jesus more important at Christmas?”  Oh, my, teach me patience during the holidays.  There are still twenty eight...

A Phone-a-Phobe And Her Child

Around our house the phone is for quick texts sent to remind that bread and peanut butter are low, that work is running late, that the...

Bestowing Choice

Let me take a moment to dust off my soapbox, pull out my handkerchief, wipe the smudges from the last time I stepped on it.  I will...

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