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Caterpillars, Butterflies, Little Sisters

My sister is having a baby in a couple weeks.  She’s my little sister.  I remember her sitting in the dirt making bottle cap mud pies....

Hurdle Racing For Beginners

Life isn’t a miracle; it is the starting line to a hurdle race.  You look in front of you and if you are fortunate you are prepared for...

Boys and Girls Really Are Different You Know

But try putting six girls and one boy into a house together and ignoring gender.  All of a sudden doors are closed so princess dresses...

Throwing a Fabulous Party, Being Family

Last weekend my cousin and I threw a baby shower for my sister.  This is not new to us.  We throw parties together on what now seems like...

Oh, For Longing.

There is longing in each of us.  It takes many forms.  Gets us moving forward or standing still, frozen by its hopelessness.  Longing can...

Deceptively Picture Perfect

Our last Christmas card is a series of photos of our family in various states of disarray.  In front of the camera, as hard as I tried to...

A Paparazzo and Her Camera

I don’t tag to annoy or even intentionally include other people in pictures. It’s usually because the people happen to be in a photo I...

Cupcakes Are (Not) Wonderful

I love nothing more than to see this happen. I know it means so many little cogs are rotating and synapses are sparking inside those...

Camping and Avoiding Loneliness

Now, last night we went camping for only the second time in her short life. She loved it. From running around with sticks to toasting...

Knowing Things May Be Overrated

It’s not that I’m not attempting to keep current, I read the papers. I try to use my brain for more than just meal planning. And I...

Love AND The Ten Commandments

But I took the opportunity to make it a teaching moment. I said that she was right, lying is bad. “God even says so in the Bible. He...

Little Girls and Mummies

This week my son has been going to a science day camp at our Nature and Science Museum. Every day, my daughter and I drop him off with...

To My Husband, On Father’s Day

I’m a mother. I stay home, take care of my kids, feed my family, wash the clothes…you get the idea. I’m a homemaker. I don’t always...

Sharing and Loving It

Even so, I was determined not to hear that sound in my house. I dreaded it above most every other bad habit that kids pick up along the...

The Plural of I

The funny thing is, I never once minded since that first night in our hotel room, sharing a bed with this man who is always part of the...

You’re Scaring Me

I’m not saying these things aren’t true, a lot of them are. I’m doing the best I can, cutting out some things here, reusing other things...

Grey Hairs and Mean Little Boxes

Assumptions can be made about me now that I am in this box. I am probably married, if not already divorced and on my second marriage (it...

Genius is Messy

One of the main things we do is keep an easel with a blank canvas always ready for their inspired days. I have boxes of paints at the...

On Star Wars and Childhood

I watch them in the morning, glued to the television, laughing along with the antics of a rambunctious monkey, following the time...

My Country, Mine

It’s not fair to add conditions. That’s not true love. And patriotism is a kind of love. It means standing up for something when you...

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