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Appropriation vs. Celebration

On cultural appropriation vs. celebration, I would like to say that we have said a lot recently on the subject of appropriation but not...

So What?

I’m in a “So What?” stage of life right now. Do you know this one? It’s that niggling feeling in the back of your mind that tells you to...

I finished and now what?

Sunday, I submitted the final paper of my Masters program. After almost three years of weekly homework, I’m done. No more required...

Crisis of Confidence

My husband has a mantra he repeats with the kids a few times a week as needed, “What does life take?” And the kids answer back,...

Cupcakes Are (Not) Wonderful

I love nothing more than to see this happen. I know it means so many little cogs are rotating and synapses are sparking inside those...

Commitment is not a four letter word

Commitment is an uncomfortable word. It means keeping your television even though you’ve had it two years and the newer model boasts...

Cliques and Checklists

Remember in High School when each of us pretended we didn’t really belong to a clique. We were individuals, self defined. We had quirks...

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